What Are Neurolenses? Revolutionizing Eye Care with Contoured Prism

Do you experience frequent headaches, neck pain, or eyestrain? These issues might be linked to the way your eyes work together, also known as binocular vision. At Design Vision Optical, we offer a cutting-edge solution that is transforming eye care: Neurolenses.

What Are Neurolenses?

Neurolenses are the first and only prescription lenses that use contoured prism technology to correct misalignment in your eyes. This innovative technology is designed to relieve the strain on your visual system by addressing the root cause of symptoms like digital eye strain, headaches, and neck tension.

How Do Neurolenses Work?

Your eyes are a team, and they need to work together seamlessly to provide clear, comfortable vision. However, for many people, slight misalignments in the way the eyes focus and track can create significant discomfort.

Neurolenses incorporate contoured prism, a specialized lens design that gradually adjusts the alignment of your eyes across different focal distances. Whether you’re looking at a screen, reading a book, or focusing on distant objects, Neurolenses ensure your eyes are in perfect sync, reducing stress on the eye muscles and the nervous system.

Common Symptoms Neurolenses Can Help With

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, Neurolenses might be the solution you’ve been looking for:

  • Chronic headaches or migraines

  • Neck and shoulder pain

  • Eyestrain or fatigue, especially after screen time

  • Blurry vision or difficulty focusing

  • Light sensitivity

  • Dry eyes

The Benefits of Neurolenses

Neurolenses offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Symptom relief: Clinical studies show that Neurolenses provide significant relief for up to 90% of wearers.

  • Improved focus and productivity: By reducing visual discomfort, Neurolenses can enhance your ability to focus and work efficiently.

  • Enhanced comfort: Whether you’re using them for work or leisure, Neurolenses are tailored to provide all-day visual comfort.

What to Expect During a Neurolens Consultation

At Design Vision Optical, we use the advanced Neurolens Measurement Device to assess the alignment of your eyes. This quick and painless test measures the degree of misalignment at various distances and helps us determine the ideal contoured prism prescription for you.

Once your Neurolenses are ready, you’ll notice immediate improvements in your symptoms and visual comfort. Our team will ensure your lenses fit perfectly and provide guidance on how to maximize their benefits.

Revolutionize Your Vision with Neurolenses at Design Vision Optical

Don’t let eyestrain, headaches, or neck pain disrupt your daily life. With Neurolenses, you can experience a revolutionary approach to vision correction that prioritizes both comfort and clarity.

Reach out to Design Vision Optical to schedule your Neurolens consultation, and discover what these innovative lenses can do for you. Visit our office in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, or call (414) 774-0200 to book an appointment today.

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